How To Read Browser & OS Report In Google Analytics
Before we delve into how to find and read Browser and OS reports in Google Analytics, let us try to understand what is its' importance. Because, once you know why you need to generate browser and OS data, your job will be easier.
What Are The Browser & OS Reports In Google Analytics
Every product or service-based industry rotates around its users. If you are a business owner, marketer or stakeholder in a company, you know the importance of getting detailed insights into a user’s behaviour.
In Google Analytics, Browser and OS data gives us an understanding of the technologies used by the visitors who can be our potential customers.
The browser report gives us an idea of which are the top browsers, which browsers are popular and most used, no. of sessions in those browsers, etc. Similarly, the OS report tells us the operating systems used by our website visitors.
How To Generate Audience Report In Google Analytics
The prerequisite to generating an audience report in GA is having a defined audience for yourself, at first. GA can give you a generalised report of audience behaviour but having a customised audience that you want to track is always on the plus side.
To generate a google analytics audience report follow these simple steps
Step 1: Sign in to Google Analytics (GA)
Step 2: Select “Audience” on the left panel
Step 3: Click on whichever option you want to see. (Different options give you different results)
Step 4: You can view Audience’s Demographics, Behaviour, Interests, etc.

How To Generate Technology Reports Using Google Analytics
Follow these 6 simple steps to generate Technology Report in Google Analytics
Step 1: Sign in to Google Analytics (GA)
Step 2: Select the property that you want to navigate the audience
Step 3: Select the Audience in the property panel (left-hand-side in GA dashboard) > Then select ‘Audiences’
Step 4: You can find many options under the labels. One of them is ‘Technology’
Step 5: In the technology section – select ‘Browser and OS’
Step 6: Select the ‘Browser’ option to see the list of browsers and the audience’s behaviour on the same.
Generate Operating System (Os) Report In Google Analytics
Step 1: Sign in to Google Analytics (GA)
Step 2: Select the property that you want to navigate the audience
Step 3: Select the Audience in the property panel (left-hand-side in GA dashboard) > Then select ‘Audiences’
Step 4: You can find many options under the labels. One of them is ‘Technology’
Step 5: In the technology section – select ‘Browser and OS’
Step 6: Select the ‘OS’ option to see the list of browsers and the audience’s behaviour on the same.
How To Generate Screen Resolution Report In Google Analytics
You can follow the same steps until step no. 4 mentioned above for OS and Browser.
After that, you will find an option ‘Screen Resolution’ beside OS in the same place.
If you will click on it, you’ll be able to see the detailed report on Screen Resolution in GA.
Limitations Of Depending On Google Analytics To Extract Reports
Using Google Analytics is the only way we know to extract technical data from a particular website.
But it has certain limitations. What are they? Let us have a look.
Time Consuming
The process of fetching different reports from Google Analytics takes too much time. If you are an agency, there are multiple clients and multiple reports to be fetched. And it takes a lot of time for GA to load, create audiences, fetch the information, etc.
2. Interdependent Process
If you are a marketing or development agency, you will have to depend on your clients for access to GA. There can also be a possible concern of confidentiality as well that can limit your work.
3. Inefficiency Of Resources
Generally, a marketing person or a technical officer will be given the access to client’s GA. These stakeholders will then need to hand over this information to their teams. So, there’s a lot of investment of resources for a small task.
4. Increase In Total Downtime
The interdependency increases the total downtime required to complete the project or at least takes more than what’s expected.
Easiest Way To Collect Browser & OS Information WITHOUT Using Google Analytics
We have seen the limitations of generating a report in Google Analytics. So what is the solution? Can we do something about it?
Well, yes – in fact we already have.
What if we tell you that you escape all these dependency factors and generate an audience report of any website you want in a single click?
Yes, that’s possible. With the Breeze web application, you can choose any website and generate technical reports.
You might also want to read How To Delete Browser Cookies And Cache In One Click
Steps To Generate Browser & OS Report Without GA
Download the Breeze Web Application
Login/Sign in with Google or your email id.
Once you log in, you will have access to the full functionality of Breeze (You can create new workspaces, add your websites to them, share your data with your team, etc.)
You can find various tools on the left-hand side panel.
Click on the ‘Browser Support’
You will be able to fetch different reports like Top browsers, Top devices, and Different kinds of Audience reports from the ‘Fetch’ button.
Please note: some reports require you to integrate GA id to the Breeze app.
So tell us, are you ready to cancel your unnecessary efforts and switch to Breeze?